Where is my order?

Your order will take about 6-8 weeks to ship to your location.

New orders are processed at our supplier’s the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month.

Can I cancel an item?

Yes, you may cancel your item only if your item hasn’t been ordered by our supplier. If you need to cancel an item – please contact clothing@pattisonag.com

I can’t log into my clothing account

Please send an email to clothing@pattisonag.com and we will get the proper account link sent to your email.

I can’t find the order sheet to order clothing from

Employee clothing ordering is all done through our online catalog. If you need a link – please contact clothing@pattisonag.com.

Customer clothing order is done with an order form which is located in SharePoint > Marketing > Company Apparel > Forms & Process.

If you don’t have access to this folder, please let us know at clothing@pattisonag.com

I ordered the wrong size/colour and need to exchange my item

No problem.

1.  Fill out the Exchange Form which is in SharePoint > Marketing > Company Apparel > Forms & Process and email it to clothing@pattisonag.com and we will order you an exchange item.

2.  Please have your exchange item sent back to the Emerald Park Office. Attention: Clothing Dept (address below)


Pattison Agriculture – Emerald Park Office

ATT: Clothing Dept

22B Great Plains Road, Suite 202

Emerald Park, SK

S4L 1B6

I want to exchange for a different item

Unfortunately, we are unable to exchange for a different item, unless it is from our in-stock inventory and the value is the same or less. If you are unhappy with the item you have received, please contact us at clothing@pattisonag.com and let us know.

When are new items going to be added?

New items are added to the catalog periodically throughout the year as new stock becomes available from our Vendors

When is the last day of the year to place my order?

December 13, 2024, is the last day to place your order to spend your credits.

Any orders placed after December 13, 2024, will not be ordered or fulfilled.

Will my credits carry over to next year if I don’t use them?

Clothing credits will not carry over to the new year.

Clothing credits that haven’t been spent by December 13, 2024, will be set to zero.

Clothing credits will reset January 6, 2025, when the catalog is available to order from.

When can I place my order in the new year – 2025?

January 6, 2025, the online catalog will be available to place your clothing order.

The 2025 Catalog is available to place clothing orders from January 6, 2025 – December 12, 2025.